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Academic Publications
Professional Publications and Interventions

Articles in International Refereed Journals

Xu, S. M. & Ong, C. E.(2024) Assembling Tigers, Dragons and Hells: Relational Materialist Geographies of Curated Themed Spaces, Tourism Geographies, 26(7), 1134–1150.

Long, F., Dahles, H., Ong, C. E. Ooi, C.-S. & Sin, H. L. (2024) Post-Covid’s New Normal - Old Rules: China and the Tourism Political Economies of Cambodia, Malaysia and Singapore, Journal of China Tourism Research, DOI: 10.1080/19388160.2024.2333909

曾国军,杜莉 ,Ong Chin Ee,周鸿承 ,周淑云,钟淑如 (2024) 美食旅游目的地的可持续发展的若干问题研讨. 《旅游论坛》[Tourism Forum (Chinese)].

Iaquinto, B. L., Cheer, J. M., Roelofsen, M., Minca, C., Ong, C.-E., Wong, C., Lapointe, D., Qu, M., McCormick, A., & Lin, C.-C. T. (2024). Coercive geographies: Biopower, spatial politics, and the tourist. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 42(2), 149-170.

Ong, C. E. (2024) Plasmatic Thinking and Tourism: Macao Tourism as 'Plasmatic Modernity', Asia Pacific Viewpoint.

Chin Ee Ong,张朝枝. 文化遗产旅游促进联合国2030年可持续发展目标的路径

[J]. 旅游学刊, 2023, 38(8): 3-5. [Tourism Tribune (Chinese)].

Ong, C. E., Xu, S. M. and Yang, S. X. K. (2023) Encountering Pandas and their Valleys in Precarious Times: A Tourism Assemblage Perspective, Tourist Studies, 23(1): 25-43.

Lam, J. F. I., Ong, C. E. Wu, T. T., He, R. and Li. S. G. (2022), The right to entrepreneurial expression over heritage significances: The micropolitics of an adapted cafe in a Chinese historic town, Built Heritage, 6:26-37.

Ong, C. E. and Liu, Y. (2022) State-directed Tourism Urbanisation at China's Hengqin, Annals of Tourism Research, 94: 103379.

Ong, C. E. and Mah, O. B. P. (2021) The Politics of Remembering and Forgetting: Vietnamese Refugees at Singapore's Hawkins Road Camp, Geoforum, 123:36-46.

Ong, C. E. (2021) The Past is a Feline Country? The Cuteification-Value Nexus and World Heritage Visitor Engagement, Tourism Critiques, 2(2): 235-249.

Lynch, P. McIntosh, A., Lugosi, P., Molz, J. G., and Ong, C. E. (2021) Hospitality & Society: Critical reflections on the theorizing of hospitality, Hospitality and Society, 11(3): 293-331 .

​Ziegler, A. D., Wasson, ,R. J. Sundriyal, Y., Srivastava, P., Sasges, G., Ramchunder, S. J., Ong, C. E. Nepal, S. K., McAdoo, B. G., Gillen, J., Bishwokarma, D., Bhardwaj, A. and Apollo, M. (2021), A Call for Reducing Tourism Risk to Environmental Hazards in the Himalaya, Environmental Hazards. *Authors listed in reverse alphabetical order.


Giordano, E. and Ong, C. E. (2017) Light Festivals, Policy Mobilities and Urban Tourism, Tourism Geographies, 19(5): 699-716.


Ong, C. E., Ormond, M. and Sulianti, D. (2017) Performing ‘Chinese-ness’ in Singkawang: Diasporic Moorings, Festivals and Tourism, Asia Pacific Viewpoint, 58(1): 41-56.


Ong, C. E. and Jin, G. (2017) Simulacra and Simulation: Double Simulation at a North Song Dynasty Theme Park, Tourism Geographies, Special Issue: Theming Asia: Theme Park Experiences in East and Southeast Asia, 19(2): 227-243


Ong, C. E. (2017) 'Cuteifying' Spaces and Staging Marine Animals for Chinese Middle Class Consumption, Tourism Geographies, 19(2): 188-207.


Erb, M. and Ong, C. E. (2017) Theming Asia: Culture, Nature and Heritage in a Transforming Environment, Tourism Geographies, 19(2): 143-167.


Gieling, J. and Ong, C. E. (2016) Warfare Tourism Experiences and National Identity: the Case of Airborne Museum 'Hartenstein' in Oosterbeek, the Netherlands, Tourism Management, 57: 45-55.


Minca, C. and Ong, C. E. (2016) The Power of Space: The Biopolitics of Custody and Care at the Lloyd Hotel, Amsterdam, Political Geography, 52:34-46.


Kong, W. H. F., du Cros, H. and Ong, C. E. (2015) Tourism Destination Image Development: A Lesson from Macau, International Journal of Tourism Cities, 1(4): 299-316.


Ong, C. E., Minca, C. and Felder, M. (2015) The Historic Hotel as ‘Quasi-Freedom Machine’: Negotiating Utopian Visions and Dark Histories at Amsterdam’s Lloyd Hotel and ‘Cultural Embassy’, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 10(2): 167-183.


Felder, M., Minca, C. and Ong, C. E. (2014) Governing refugee space: the quasi-carceral regime of Amsterdam’s Lloyd Hotel, a German-Jewish refugee camp in the prelude to World-War-Two, Social Geography, 69:365-375.


Ong, C. E., Ryan, C. and McIntosh, A. (2014) Power-Knowledge and Tour-Guide Training: Capitalistic Domination, Utopian Visions and the Creation of UNESCO’s Homo-Turismos in Macao, Annals of Tourism Research, 48: 221-234.


Ong, C. E., Minca, C. and Felder, M. (2014) Disciplined Mobility and the Emotional Subject in Royal Dutch Lloyd’s Early Twentieth Century Passenger Shipping Network, Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, online first. doi: 10.1111/anti.12091 


Ong, C. E. and du Cros, H (2012) Projecting Postcolonial Conditions at Shanghai Expo, China: Floppy Ears, Lofty Dreams and Macao’s Immutable Mobiles, China, Urban Studies, 49(13): 2937-2953.


Ong, C. E. and du Cros, H. (2012) Post-Mao Gazes: Chinese Backpackers in Macao, Annals of Tourism Research, 39(2): 735-754.


Ong, C. E. (2011) Hidden Injuries of Class and Bourgeoisie Dreams: Casino Workers, Traditional Shipbuilders and Boutique Hotels, Hospitality and Society, 1(2): 173-188.


Law, L. B., Bunnell, T. G. and Ong, C. E. (2007) ‘The Beach, The Gaze and Film Tourism’, Tourist Studies, 7(2):141-164.


Books and Monographs


Erb, M. and Ong, C. E. (2018) (eds.) Theming Asia: Culture, Nature and Heritage in a Transforming Environment, Routledge.

Editorial in International Refereed Journals

Lynch, P. McIntosh, A., Molz, J. G., Lugosi, P., and Ong, C. E. (2021) Reflecting on Hospitality & Society: The first ten years, Hospitality and Society, 11(3): 239-248 .


​Ong, C. E. (2016) 'Making Multi-Disciplinary Conversations, Deploying Metaphors and Shaping Hospitality as an Academic Discipline: A Review of Critical Hospitality Studies Symposium 2016: A Multi-Disciplinary Affair (28-29 July, 2016)', Hospitality and Society, 6(3).


Bunnell, T., Ong, C. E. and Sidaway, J. (2013) Editorial: Jim Blaut and the Trajectories of Tropical Geography, Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 34(3): 285-291.

Book Chapters

Minca, C. and Ong, C. E. (2018) Touring the camp. Ghostly presences and silent geographies of remnants at Galang Camp, Indonesia, Camp Geographies Today: Contemporary Spatialities of a Modern Political Technology, in Katz, I, Martin, D. and Minca, C. (eds), London: Rowman & Littlefield: 235-259.


Ong, C. E. and Ge, J. (2018) Simulacra and Simulation: Double Simulation at a North Song Dynasty Theme Park, in M. Erb and C. E. Ong (eds) Theming Asia: Culture, Nature and Heritage in a Transforming Environment, Routledge [republication of a paper in Tourism Geographies]. 


Ong, C. E. (2018) 'Cuteifying' Spaces and Staging Marine Animals for Chinese Middle Class Consumption, in M. Erb and C. E. Ong (eds) Theming Asia: Culture, Nature and Heritage in a Transforming Environment, Routledge [republication of a paper in Tourism Geographies]. 


Erb, M. and Ong, C. E. (2018) Theming Asia: Culture, Nature and Heritage in a Transforming Environment, in M. Erb and C. E. Ong (eds) Theming Asia: Culture, Nature and Heritage in a Transforming Environment, Routledge [republication of a paper in Tourism Geographies]. 


Minca, C.  and Ong, C. E. (2015) Hotel California: Biopowering Tourism in New Economy Singapore and Post-Mao China, C. Ren, G. T. Jóhannesson and R. van der Duim, Tourism and Controversies: Ontological Politics of Tourism Development: Ashgate, pp. 159-181.


Minca, C. and Ong, C. E. (2015) ‘Occidentalism and Orientalism’, peer reviewed encyclopaedia entry for Association of American Geographers and Blackwell Encyclopaedia for Geography.


Ong, C. E. (2015) ‘Discourse, Tourism’, peer-reviewed encyclopaedia entry for Springer Encyclopaedia of Tourism, J. Jafari and H. Xiao (eds.), Springer


du Cros, H. and Ong, C. E. (2010), ‘Drive Tourism in China’, in Prideaux, B. and Carson, D. (eds.) Drive Tourism: Trends and Emerging Markets, London: Routledge, pp. 103-118.


Ong, C. E. (2007) ‘The Cultural Tourism of Museu Do Vinho Macau: Negotiating Postcolonial Identities and the Nature-Culture Divide’ in Richards, G. and Pereiro, X. (eds) Cultural Tourism: Negotiating Identities, (pp. 23-43), Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Couro Polo de Chaves (UTAD): Vila Real.


Ong, C. E. (2005) ‘Adventurism: Singapore Adventure Tourists in “Soft” Capitalism’, In C. Ryan, S. Page and M. Aicken (eds) Taking Tourism to the Limits: Issues, Concepts and Managerial Perspectives, London: Elsevier, pp. 81-91.

Management plans and training manuals

Imon, S. S.,Ong, C. E.  Suntikul, W. and Zhao, W. (2012) Tourism Management Plan for the Historic Centre of Macao, Cultural Bureau of Macao, The Government of Macao: Macao.


Ong, C. E., Kong, F., du Cros, H. and Richards, G. (2013) The Destination Image of Macao: An ATLAS Study, Institute for Tourism Studies-TRAM: Macao.


 Ong, C. E., Imon, S. S. and Lam, F. I. (2007) Training Manual for Macao Heritage Tour Guide – Cultural Heritage Specialist Tour Guides Training and Certification Program for UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Site Module), Institute For Tourism Studies: Macao (84 pages). In-use for training Macao heritage specialist guides since 2007.


Imon, S. S. and Ong, C. E. (2007) Cultural Tourism Site Management: A Training Manual for Trainers in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and Institute For Tourism Studies (IFT), Macao SAR, China (188 pages). In-use in Thailand, Cambodia and Lao PDR.


Imon, S.S., Dioko, L.A.N., & Ong, C.E. (2006) Cultural Heritage Specialist Guide Training and Certification Program for UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Training Handbook (4th ed.). Institute For Tourism Studies: Macao (353 pages). In-use in more than 14 World Heritage sites in Asia-Pacific and translated into more than 5 Asian languages since 2006. 

Invited Lectures

Ong, C. E. (2016) World Heritage as Theming, Critical Geography Lecture Series, South China Normal University, 25 June.


Ong, C. E. (2014) ‘Theme Park Development in China’, MA Leisure Studies course Understanding Leisure Attractions and Events, NHTV Breda, 7 Oct.


Ong, C. E. (2014) ‘The Chinese are coming: Understanding Chinese tourism’, Wageningen University, 9 Sept.


Ong, C. E. (2013) Applying Foucauldian Concepts to Research in Human Geography and Spatial Planning’, Bachelor of Human Geography and Spatial Planning Course, Radboud University of Nijmegen, 9 Dec.


Ong, C. E. (2013) Conservation and Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage – East Asian Experiences, Macao: Macao Polytechnic Institute Seminar Series (Macao Polytechnic Institute: Macao Polytechnic Institute Seminar Series) 2013-06-25.


Ong, C. E. (2012) Post-Macao Gazes and the Development Enclavic Leisure Spaces in China, Tilburg: Department of Leisure Studies Seminar Series (Tilburg University: Department of Leisure Studies) 2012-03-12.

I am based in School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University, China.

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